Is the VR a good investment yet?

A new ASUS headset is coming to the market for 429 dollars

With all the hype, games and advertisement coming out recently, you might be wondering if getting a VR headset would be a good idea, especially since you kinda want to slay dragons in VR in Skyrim VR. I'm going to try here to determine the pros and cons of getting a VR headset right now, the "future of gaming" according to the ads you see everywhere.

Price :

Right now, any headset, outside of apparently the asus headset which is supposed to be cheaper, around 429 dollars, the 2 main headsets, the Occulus Rift and the HTC vive, are both respectively
priced at 449 euros and 599 euros, which is around 540 dollars and 700 dollars, which is pretty expensive, more than the price of a console, and almost the price of a cheap gaming computer. That's a lot of money for a one device. The games that are available in VR are also pretty expensive, the 2 bethesda games being Skyrim and Fallout 4 being priced at 60 dollars. So, to play a VR triple A game, you need at least 509 euros, or 600 dollars, that's painful, even if you got the money.

Edit : the prices seem to be a lot cheaper outside of the EU for some reason, still, it ranges around 400 bucks at least for the headset + 1 game.

Technical and physical issues :

You heard me right, you pay a lot, and it's not guaranteed to work. You can prevent bad surprises by using the VR test on steam.
(steam page : )
The VR is pretty demanding and won't work on weak setups, and it usually isn't even that pretty. We have yet to see a good looking VR game, with a nice framerate.
The setup of the VR, I've got to admit, is pretty easy and you can find guides and forum threads on pretty much any issue you come across.
Most games on steam VR are also extremely bugged and awful to play, Skyrim and Fallout are also extremely buggy, but since they are both bethesda games, we can consider those features right?
(by the way, check my article on why you should redownload skyrim asap)

On the physical issues side, the VR, has been known to cause headaches (which I have not experienced), neck pain, dizziness, and the HTC Vive is also pretty heavy, which it trades with being more efficient than the Occulus Rift on most tests.
That's something you want to consider before getting one.

Gaming experience :

It is true that the VR provides you with a gaming experience like never before. Skyrim VR and Fallout VR are probably among the best immersive experiences out there. The other games like VR chat and all other minigames are good fun, and overall pretty cool games, but there is definitely a lack of triple A VR games.

Verdict :

In the end, the VR is a pretty fun experience, with a few nice games. Yet, right now, it is overpriced, not working on every setup, and lack good games.
The price of the headsets has already dropped last year, and it is probably going to keep dropping until it reaches a decent price. When that happens, we will be there, and get one, plus whatever good games have come out in VR by then. Until that happens, I advise you to calm your compulsive needs to get one, no matter how attractive it looks, and wait a bit.

As usual, thanks for reading this, comment, and follow me on social media for more, I try to upload an article everyday !

